
Below is the draft programme for the weekend. Please note that timings are subject to change.

Time Activity Location
15:00 Onwards Arrivals Tawd Vale Adventure Centre
Please indicate in your booking if you're arriving early and up for helping with setup
19:00 onwards Dinner Collect from Activity Barn
19:00 Onwards Bar Floyd Marquee
20:00 Quiz Floyd Marquee
21:30 Talent Show Floyd Marquee
21:00/Whenever it's lit Campfire Campfire Hollow
08:00-10:00 Breakfast Collect from Activity Barn
09:00 Opening Ceremony Cub Field
10:00 All-Day Off Site Activities depart Main Car Park
10:00-13:00 On Site Morning Activities Locations around Site
12:00-14:00 Lunch Collect from Activity Barn
13:00 Afternoon Off Site Activities depart Main Car Park
12:00-15:00 Service opportunities Reception
14:00-17:00 On Site Afternoon activities Around Site
17:00 Bar Opens Floyd Marquee
18:00 Dinner Collect from Activity Barn
19:00 onwards Campfire Campfire Hollow
19:30 Yoga with a pint Panther Marquee
20:00-22:00 Ceilidh Floyd Marquee
22:30 onwards Disco Floyd Marquee
08:00 Reps Breakfast  Collect from Activity Barn
08:30-10:00 Reps Panther Marquee
09:30-11:00 Breakfast Collect from Activity Barn
10.30-13:00 AGM Floyd Marquee
Post-AGM Closing Ceremony Floyd Marquee
13:00 Onwards Departures Home

If you experience any issues in the booking process, please contact