Kit List
- Necker
- Spare Clothes
- Socks & Underwear
- Waterproof Jacket
- Waterproof Trousers
- Sleepwear
- Walking Boots
- Warm Clothes
- Sleeping Bag
- Roll Mat
- Hot water bottle
- Torch
- Day Bag
- Drinks Bottle
- Plate, Bowl, Mug & Cutlery
- Tea Towel
- Personal Medication
- Wash kit/Toiletries
- Deodorant
- Towel
- Camp Footwear, e.g. wellies
- Portable Battery Pack and Cable
- Camp blanket
- Cash for Site Shop
- Sweets & Snacks
- Photo ID and Marked Pint Cup for the Bar
- Fancy dress for Saturday Evening - PINK!
And don't forget club tents and mascots!
If you experience any issues in the booking process, please contact