until rally!
TPR is the spring SSAGO rally. A national camp held annually, usually in Feb or March. Importantly, this is also the rally where the SSAGO Annual General Meeting is held.
Our rally committee is comprised of both past and present members of team pink. With members spanning executive and assistant roles, meaning we have experience on TP, and knowledge of the inner workings of SSAGO too. But most importantly, we are all passionate about SSAGO!
Over the last few years, Team Pink has noticed a decline in the number of people running for exec positions and bidding for events. We want to educate members of SSAGO more about these roles and commitments, and what they entail. With this we hope that we can encourage more people to run for exec and bid for events, ensuring engagement is high across all parts of SSAGO!
TPR plan to do this by offering panel talks across the morning, these may include 'what it's like to be on TP', and 'what it's like to run a national event'. Other talks and workshops may include mini bus safety, running an international etc. By offering opportunities to talk to people who have experience, we hope others can understand more of what it's like, and hopefully motivate others to bin and run!
Here's some (random) picks of what you could get up to at Team Pink Rally!
Listen to a panel of recent National Event Chairs talk about their experience running National Events from the highs to the lows, and ask them any questions you may have. This is the perfect panel to attend if you've got an idea for an event in the back of your head and you're itching to bid for an event!
Cost: £0.00
Spaces remaining: Unlimited
Jump on a minibus for a day out in one of Merseyside's seaside towns: Southport! Enjoy attractions varying from Englands's second-longest pier to the British Lawnmower Museum! Recommendations of what to do, and a group chat to arrange activities together will be made available.
Cost: £0.00
Spaces remaining: 0/24
What are you waiting for? Book on now!
If you experience any issues in the booking process, please contact webmaster@ssago.org.